May 2012 Health Law Summaries
 Fraud and Abuse summary submitted by Robert V. Williams Professional Licensure summary submitted by Allen R. Grossman and Michael L. Smith Life Sciences and Health Information Technology & Privacy summaries…
 Fraud and Abuse summary submitted by Robert V. Williams Professional Licensure summary submitted by Allen R. Grossman and Michael L. Smith Life Sciences and Health Information Technology & Privacy summaries…
Topics: Health Information Technology & Privacy Life Sciences Professional Licensure Public Health Transactions Miscellaneous SLK_TAM-#1420782-v1-Health_Law_Summaries_January_2012.DOC
The Summer 2012 Health Law Section Newsletter has been published and is available for download in the document library. Click the link below to download the file in PDF format.…
Highlights State and Federal Action Creates New Antitrust Risks for PhysiciansÂÂ By David A. Ettinger, Esquire Editor’s Note By Thomas P. Clark, Esquire Overpayment Rule Proposed byÂÂ Myla R. Reizen, Esquire Top…
On June 29, 2012, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida entered an Order enjoining the State of Florida from enforcing “The Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act”. …
BERND WOLLSCHLAEGER, et al., Plaintiffs vs. FRANK FARMER, et al., Defendants. DE_105_order_on_msj.pdf
Formula for understanding where the Health Law Section’s Budget is each month: Total Revenue – (take away) Total Expenses = Net Operations Net Operations + Fund Balance = Total Current…
The following are brief summaries prepared by section volunteers of new developments in Florida health care law that may be of interest to members of the Health Law Section. The summaries are presented for general information only as a courtesy to section members and do not constitute legal advice from The Florida Bar or its Health Law Section.
Fraud and Abuse
The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of FCA Claim alleging Millions in Overpayments
The following bills were filed on February 27 and 28, 2012. HB 7133 Relating to Quality Improvement Initiatives for Entities Regulated by the Agency for Health Care Administration (Health &…
The following are brief summaries prepared by section volunteers of new developments in Florida health care law that may be of interest to members of the Health Law Section. The summaries are presented for general information only as a courtesy to section members and do not constitute legal advice from The Florida Bar or its Health Law Section.