May 2012 Health Law Summaries

  Fraud and Abuse summary submitted by Robert V. Williams Professional Licensure summary submitted by Allen R. Grossman and Michael L. Smith Life Sciences and Health Information Technology & Privacy summaries…

March 2012 Budget Report

Formula for understanding where the Health Law Section’s Budget is each month: Total Revenue – (take away) Total Expenses = Net Operations Net Operations + Fund Balance = Total Current…

March 2012 Health Law Summaries

The following are brief summaries prepared by section volunteers of new developments in Florida health care law that may be of interest to members of the Health Law Section. The summaries are presented for general information only as a courtesy to section members and do not constitute legal advice from The Florida Bar or its Health Law Section.  

If you would be interested in being a reporter in the future, please contact Malinda Lugo.


Fraud and Abuse

The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of FCA Claim alleging Millions in Overpayments

February 2012 Health Law Summaries

The following are brief summaries prepared by section volunteers of new developments in Florida health care law that may be of interest to members of the Health Law Section. The summaries are presented for general information only as a courtesy to section members and do not constitute legal advice from The Florida Bar or its Health Law Section.