Nuwave Diagnostics, Inc. v. State Farm
Nuwave Diagnostics, Inc. v. State Farm NuWave_Diagnostics.pdf
Nuwave Diagnostics, Inc. v. State Farm NuWave_Diagnostics.pdf
SB 1990 – Relating to Developmental Disabilities (Budget) Developmental Disabilities; Requiring that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities review a waiver support coordinator’s performance to ensure that the support coordinator…
Health Law Section Executive Council Meeting Agenda and Minutes January 26, 2012 FinalAgenda_Jan_26_2012.pdf
Health Law Section Executive Council Meeting Agenda & Minutes September 15, 2011 Final_Agenda_Sep_15_2011.pdf
Health Law Section Executive Council Meeting Agenda and Minutes January 26, 2012 FinalAgenda_Jan_26_2012.pdf
Health Law Section Executive Council Meeting Agenda and Minutes September 15, 2011 Final_Agenda_Sep_15_2011.pdf
The Health Law Section of The Florida Bar is the principal state membership organization for attorneys engaging in all aspects of health law, including those attorneys Board Certified in the…
The following are brief summaries prepared by section volunteers of new developments in Florida health care law that may be of interest to members of the Health Law Section. The summaries are presented for general information only as a courtesy to section members and do not constitute legal advice from The Florida Bar or its Health Law Section.
The following Bills have been filed and are of interest to Section members:
The following three bills have been filed and are of interest to Section members: