On behalf of the Executive Council, I would like to welcome you to the Health Law Section of The Florida Bar. I am honored to serve as Chair of the Section and look forward to working with the Council and Members over the 2021-2022 term.
The mission of the Health Law Section is to serve as a forum for advocacy, education, and collaboration to promote and improve health law and health law practice. The Section’s core objectives are to:
- Proactively monitor pending legislation, and where appropriate, advocate for clarity and predictability in drafting legislation;
- Provide timely, targeted, and fresh educational opportunities for Section Members, with high quality content and presenters;
- Promote networking and practice development opportunities, and the value of membership in the Section;
- Expand and promote membership communications and interactive engagement of Section membership; and
- Ensure diversity in Section leadership, stable transitions in Section leadership, and stewardship of financial resources.
Membership and participation in the Health Law Section is an ideal opportunity for both seasoned attorneys and those newly admitted to the Bar to gain a better understanding of health law, refine practice skills, and develop significant working relationships with other health care attorneys and professionals.
As a Member of the Section, you will be given access to the Section’s educational programs and materials at a discounted price. The Section hosts several hybrid in-person and virtual education seminars during the year covering topics ranging from health law fundamentals to the most recent developments in fraud and abuse, compliance, risk management, and representation of licensed practitioners. The Section also hosts a series of audio webcast education programs, allowing health care attorneys and other professionals to keep abreast of the law from the convenience of their own offices. Additionally, the Section publishes regular updates on developments in health law on the Section website.
While the challenges presented by COVID-19 persist, the Council shall endeavor accomplish the Section’s mission and objectives.
I look forward to serving you during my 2021-2022 term.
Wishing you good health,
Adam R. Maingot
Health Law Section Chair