The Florida Bar Health Law Section Presents
Representing the Physician Entrepreneur and Innovator: How to Both Practice Medicine and Build an Innovative Business
Friday, January 18, 2019 * Hyatt Regency Sarasota
CLE Description
The Florida Bar Health Law Section looks forward to welcoming attorneys, physicians, and those interested in healthcare innovation to the its annual seminar to be held this year on January 18, 2019 in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. This year’s program is entitled “Representing the Physician Entrepreneur and Innovator – How to Both Practice Medicine and Build an Innovative Business” and will feature topics geared towards health care providers who have an innovative idea or product and their attorneys. Our diverse faculty includes private practice lawyers, in house counsel, physician entrepreneurs, government attorneys and elected officials – all with excellence in their fields. Presentation topics will include developing your team, handling and protecting your intellectual property, partnering with hospitals, attracting venture capital, compliance program development for healthcare ventures and government enforcement concerns for healthcare startups.
Hyatt Regency Sarasota